Monday 29 November 2010

Christmas Album!

Heck yes guys, since Gabe was such a hit of his album for the contest, so it Christmas time, so like with Gabe's Album, we will do an either improvised lyrics to an Xmas song or prepare our own lyrics, just tell me on the forums or when you see me, what you want to do a song of.

Now, the last song we will all do is, the 12 Days of Christmas (lyrics by Gabe)

Twelve water bottles,
Eleven sheets of paper,
Ten lead paint buckets,
Nine pencils, sharpened,
Eight calculators,
Seven sacks of plastic,
Six new assignments,
Four lawns of grass,
Three hedge shears,
Two balls of yarn,
And a bowl full of Furikake!

Record these, and I will chose who does what bit!

Monday 25 October 2010

Kunikida Contest Results

I forgot to mention last time edited the blog that we had found our winner for the Kunikida Contest, and the winner was, Gabe!

Gabe - 8
Craig (Nintega) - 3
Sam (SOSTmohs) - 3

Congratulations Gabe, and I can't wait to see your contest results for Christmas XD

Friday 22 October 2010


A lot of different things have been happening, first of all sorry guys but there will be no more Kunikida video =( It's because of my laptop, but I am back guys to editing this but I have a surprise: This Fanclub will stay, but in the near future I will make a fanclub for all Side-characters (it seems even the random people in Kunikida's Classroom) and the others like Taniguchi, Emiri, CC Prez, Imuoto and even Ryoko. Stay tuned guys!

Tuesday 31 August 2010


well after a few weeks of it, the Kunikida Fanclub's first official Contest has drawn to a close, thanks to those who entered and I would just like to announce that me and Tom will have something interesting to tell you's at the next LN Brigade conference, so all I need to do is:
A. Work on the video, B. Wait for recorded items (you know who you are) and C. have a sad yet interesting Last day of Summer

Well I can't wait until the next Contest in Winter, can't you?

Friday 6 August 2010

We can do it!

We can now officially be able to do 2 of Kunikida's pastimes, watching grass grow:
and paint drying: (it no longer is made =( )

Thank you Koriokami for finding these websites

Friday 30 July 2010

Kunikida Contest Posts

ME (Almighty Kunikida):
Krennthief: (Oh god please get this I 100% recommend)
Go to the Forum Topic in the Haruhi Forums
Go to the Forum Topic in the Haruhi Forums
Nintega de Stellar:
Go to the Forum Topic in the Haruhi Forums

New Competition

Ok as this title says, yeah we officially will do a competition for....KUNIKIDA! (Wow it was so hard to realise that) so the basic rule; Just make anything to do with our good pal Kunikida, whether it be a poem a picture, a fansong or anything else you wish to do
EDIT-I just thought of something, I'll let you's do more than one thing now

Post it here, Facebook, or on the forum topic

Hope to see your creations and good luck

New Edit - you can't really post it to me here, so I thought you should send it to my e-mail, or send it to me on skype or put the link at facebook or the forum topic at the Haruhi forums